LTEC Media Developer



University of Salford


Other - See Job

8hours/week/1 day per week

Not Applicable







We are looking for a Media Developer to build on current work by developing an immersive toolkit to synthesize pedagogical excellence drawing on evidence of successful practice in embedding inclusive assessment principles. By drawing together specific innovative practices and established guidance, we will develop an interactive multimodal assessment resource. This resource will be designed to enrich the student experience and enhance progression opportunities through embedding effective inclusive and innovative assessment practices.

The project has three main objectives:

  1. Mapping current initiatives into the five inclusive assessment principles to develop a Framework, aligning exemplary, innovative practice and established guidance.
  2. Curate Multiformat Resources: Collect and curate resources from across the university that model best practices within the framework.
  3. Develop an Immersive Digital Toolkit: Present the resources as an immersive, digital toolkit with multimodal, flexible activities to support engaging staff development.


Background to the project:

The Learning and Teaching Enhancement Centre at the University of Salford to support staff to support students. One of our recent initiatives working in collaboration with academic schools was to develop inclusive assessment and feedback principles. The Inclusive Assessment & Feedback Principles are made up of five principles, these are: clear, understood, authentic, personalised and robust, these are now being implemented across the university. The initial work captured significant insights and good practice from across the university. This project will draw together using innovative practice into podcasts, case studies and interactive resources to showcase and share best practice across the university.  

About LTEC:

The Learning and Teaching Enhancement Centre is led by the Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Learning and Teaching Enhancement and supported by a nucleus of people with a proven track record of delivering excellence in the academic practice. LTEC provides a focal point to disseminate and embed best practice, engaging with staff across all areas of the university. We support staff to support the student’s academic journey, working with and within Academic Schools to embed changes and to enhance practice. LTEC is an enabler to transform academic practice, bringing Salford to the forefront as a sector leader in innovative, digitally enabled and societally focused pedagogic practice and scholarship of education.

Duties and responsibilities

The post-holder will be required to:

  1. Support the LTEC academic development team to identify and explore exemplary, innovative practice and guidance aligning with our five inclusive assessment principles.
  2. Create multimedia resources that model best practice working with academic staff from across the university.  
  3. Support the LTEC learning technologies team to develop an immersive digital toolkit to present the resources and support staff development through multimodal, flexible learning.

Skills and experience

IT Skills Requirements:

  • Experience of using Adobe Creative Cloud: Premiere (E), Audition (D), Photoshop (D), Illustrator (D) - (E) = Essential skills, (D) = Desirable skills.
  • Good general overview of using Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Teams.)

Technical Skills Requirements:

Candidates are expected to be able to…

  • Use video recording equipment.
  • Use audio recording equipment.
  • Use photography equipment.

Knowledge Requirements: 

  • Familiarity with film production processes
  • Willingness to learn new learning technologies
  • Willingness to work collaboratively with others

Employability Skills Requirements:

  • Creativity and ability to problem solve
  • Ability to work with different stakeholders
  • Communication skills (Written & Oral)
  • Ability to work independently
  • Teamworking
  • Organisation & planning

University of Salford


  • Boost Your CV – Show employers your impact on university projects.
  • Eye care vouchers when they have been working for 12 weeks and regularly use VDU displays
  • Staff car parking rates
  • Access to apply for internal job vacancies at the University of Salford
  • Access to the University of Salford Library- training and development (as per the role)- additional leave (granted at the discretion of the employer)

Additional information
Application closing date:14th March 2025

Start date 24th March 2025 to 13th June 2025

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