Student Research Assistant



Liverpool John Moores University


3 Months


Smart Casual






You will be a researcher on a University funded Diversity project entitled: HE students from Armed Forces Families: An exploration of additional needs and support structures at LJMU 

The aim of the project is to explore and evaluate the current support mechanism's in place for Service Children who are students at LJMU, their thoughts on potential support required.  

Duties and responsibilities

Within the research project, as a student researcher, you will be required to facilitate a focus groups of up to 10 students, being responsible for the effective running and collection of audio data.  Reflections on the process and some data analysis.    

You will be required to also get involved in presenting the data back to the University DI group.  Dates TBC.    

Training will be provided and you will be supported by the Senior Student Researcher and Project Lead.     

Skills and experience

1. Be an an UG or PG student at LJMU;

2. Be from an Armed Forces Family background, so you have 'lived experience' in the setting;

3. Knowledge of research methods in particular (Qualitative Methods; focus groups);

4. Be able to work in a team and independently;

5. Effective communication skills;

6. Enthusiastic and Professional in your attitude and actions; 


Interview Date to be confirmed 

Apply for job