Canterbury Christ Church University
1 Day
Thursday 3rd April - 08:00-16:00
Not Applicable
We are looking for assessment patients to support during assessments for Kent and Medway Medical School on Thursday 3rd April.
- Thursday 3rd April - 08:00-16:00
If you are successful, there will be a 1 hour briefing session via MS Teams in advance.
Duties and responsibilities
- Patients in these roles will be undergoing physical clinical examinations. Examples could include blood pressure, or listening to heart sounds with stethoscope, applying sticky electrodes to the chest (ECG) etc
- Patients in these roles may need to remove items of clothing depending on the clinical examination (as you would expect to do at a GP consultation), there are no intimate procedures
- Patients in these roles will be subject to the same procedure repeated throughout the day, this will involve being in close contact/examined by Medical students under supervision of an examiner.
- Due to the nature of the examinations and the learning outcomes being assessed, you will be examined by both male and female students.
- This will not require you to have any invasive procedures e.g. blood taking using a needle, but you may be acting as a patient whilst a practical stimulated task trainer (plastic mannikin) is used for the procedure
- You will need to follow a simple script provided by KMMS which will need to be repeated a number of times throughout the day.
Skills and experience
- Customer service experience and being comfortable engaging with others
- You must be 18
- You must disclose any underlying health conditions (so you can be selected for an appropriate station)
- You must disclose any conflict of interest, for example if you know a KMMS student in a professional or personal capacity.
CCCU, Canterbury