*Ringfenced to LJMU students only*
The internship will be within the team which delivers the Professional Qualification in Probation (PQiP) programme. Whilst studying, PQiP students, known as learners, are employed by the Ministry of Justice and work within the probation service where they hold a demanding case load. Learners have a blended learning experience where they access their asynchronous teaching remotely, via Canvas, at a time which suits them. This is a demanding course and we have strived to support learner’s needs with a previous internship exploring the role that personal tutoring plays in this non-standard degree programme. This internship builds upon our previous work by increasing understanding of the welfare needs of our learners. Interns will be supported to undertake a small study and, once the needs of our learners are better understood, to create resources on our community pages which will serve to support the wellbeing of our learners.
Duties and responsibilities
The interns will be active partners in the project and will work collaboratively with the team to allow for the project to be a student-staff partnership.
The interns will be co-creators of the research and incorporate their views/suggestions/experience into the research at all levels.
With support, interns will conduct all stages of the project: ethics, literature review, creating the surveys and interview questions, collecting data, analysis, report writing, dissemination and creation of resources.
The Interns' student status and experience of the support and wellbeing services that LJMU offer to our students will be vital to the project.
Interns will use their experience to help shape the methods, and their student status will help to satiate participant anxiety of talking to a staff researcher thereby ensuring the acquisition of richer data.
The aim of the project is for the interns to be immersed in the project and ultimately lead the team.
Skills and experience
* Ideally, interns will have experience of studying on a non-standard degree programme which includes work-based placements.* Experience of remote learning will also be beneficial.* Interns should have strong time-management and academic/research/library skills, but will be supported to develop these throughout the project.
Additional information
*Ringfenced to LJMU students only*
Applications will close at 11:59pm on Tuesday 21st January 2025.
Interviews will be held week commencing 27th January 2025
Apply for job